Sunday, April 22, 2012

Goat Milking

We are trying to milk our goat Stormy right now, but the baby goats keep on drinking the milk that my mom really wants to drink. My little brother likes to drink the milk also. He will get mad if he does not get his goat milk! Our goat Stormy has really big utters, so she is easy to milk. Other goats that I have milked before were hard to milk because they have really small utters.

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Chick Sadness

We had two of our baby chicks die. We only have two left. The hens just left the other eggs that they were sitting on and left with their chicks. Its was sad to see baby chicks that were still in the eggs and their moms left them. I just hope there in Heaven and playing with my other animals. It is really fun to watch the chicks and their moms dig up the dirt to search the dirt for bugs. I am kind of afraid of one of the hens because she attacks me overtime i feed them. It hurts me when she pecks me on my hand. I am thankful to have such wonderful pets. 

Goat selling and goat keeping

My mom and I have decided that we are going to sell are goat Stormy and keep our girl kid. I am going to miss Stormy. Stormy was stubborn and not easy to fatten up. At least she is going to go to a good home. I am glad that we get to keep one of are baby goats! I will be able is see her grow up. Are La Mancha is going to have babies soon. She looks really fat, so maybe she will have a lot of baby goats for us soon. We are slowly building a barn for them. Maybe we will be able to get a mini horse! I sure do hope so!

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Rabbit Fun

On our farm we used to have baby rabbits and full grown rabbits. I am wishing to get more some time this spring or summer. I had a Mini Rex before and he was about 5 years old when I got him. He was a beautiful little bunny. In my life I have had about 35-45 rabbits! I have always wanted to get a Dwarf rabbit before but I could never find one. I like the Dutch breed also. All my rabbits got away from our rabbit hutch some how. So they are running around are farm right now. It is fun to watch them hopping through the grass in the morning. I enjoy rabbits very much! 

Even more chicks!

On our farm we had two more baby chicks hatch, and we are still waiting for more. It is hard to keep the baby chicks in the chicken coop that we made for them because they do not stay under their mom. So hopefully the other chicks will hatch soon. We have two red chicks and one completely white chick and l is a yellow/white chick. I go out into the chicken coop and help the baby chicks eat and drink because it is hard for them to do it themselves. I hope we get more baby chicks soon!

Sunday, April 8, 2012

Goat Fun

I have two goats and two baby goats on are farm right now. The Nubian is three years old and her name is Stormy, and we have a LaMancha that is two years old and her name is gabby. Gabby is going to have he babies in May (hopefully). 
Our two baby goats are sweet,but the boy is sweeter. They are almost four weeks old. I am not going to be happy when we have to give them away:(. The girl is slightly three minutes older then the boy. The babies come rather quickly and fast. If you have goats and you are new to having them and giving birth to them be aware that they come quickly. When they are born they rather quickly try to stand up. We just got our baby goats de-horned a week ago. It was sad to watch them get their horns taken off, but it is worth it to not have horns because horns can hurt! I am constantly taking little horns off of Gabby because whoever de-horned her did not do a very good job. 
La Mancha's are very loving to you. Its funny because Gabby ONLY likes me. She try's to get away from other people when they touch and hug her. Everyone always says that goats eat your clothes and are mean, but that is not true at all. When we first got are goats I thought that they would be mean to me, but they are almost loving and caring as dogs could be. Some people say that goats are mans second best friend! I believe that for sure!

More Chicks

We had one chick that hatched over night! Right now we have another chick that is trying to come out of the egg. I hope we have more chicks coming soon! Happy Easter!

Saturday, April 7, 2012

✬Name This Chick✬

Hey, I am going to have a chick naming contest. Please leave your favorite name for a chick in one of your comments please! The best name will go to the first chick of spring!!! So please comment a name please!!! Lets have fun!!! 

Baby Chicks

Today we had one baby chick hatch!!! A different egg is hatching right now!!! So far the baby chicks and the hens are doing fine. Our broody hens keep on switching places in our chicken coop. I hope the other eggs hatch also!!!

Friday, April 6, 2012

Chicken farming

Two of my hens are laying on about 10 eggs. The eggs should hatch any day now. I looked in the eggs with a flashlight. I saw the chick being made!!! It is very fun to raise chicks and chickens. We have one rooster and 10 hens. We get a lot of eggs everyday. We have had chickens since 2010. Even some of are chickens that we got are still on are farm.