Saturday, May 26, 2012

New Baby Goats

My goat Gabby had her babies! She had a boy and a girl. They are very sweet to us. Gabby had her babies at 8:00 in the morning! The girl is very small compared to the boy. We named them Rose and Rocky. Awesome little babies!

We got Stormy back!!!

We got our goat Stormy back! She was very happy seeing her baby Charlotte. She is giving almost a gallon of milk a day! She is happy being back home with her family and friends!
We sold our baby goat Freddy. He went to a good home with cows. He is going to be the king of the herd! His sister Charlotte will miss him very much.

Thursday, May 3, 2012

Our dog Berwin

We have a German Shepard dog that lives on our farm. He can be a pain some times. He likes to chase our goats and chickens. He has killed about three chickens so far. But besides that he is a good dog. He is only 1 year old and he is a monster. Every time friends or family comes over he scares them. Berwin loves to jump, bite and lick you all of the time. He is a good dog (some of the times :) )

Stormy is gone

We just sold our goat Stormy to a lady that has a cow farm. Our baby goats miss their mother very much. The baby goats are crying all the time now. I hope Stormy has a good time at her new home. Stormy is giving her new owner 1 gallon a day! My mom thinks that we sold her too soon. We are aloud to go and visit her any time!