Saturday, May 26, 2012

New Baby Goats

My goat Gabby had her babies! She had a boy and a girl. They are very sweet to us. Gabby had her babies at 8:00 in the morning! The girl is very small compared to the boy. We named them Rose and Rocky. Awesome little babies!


  1. Wow, goats are just coming and going at your farm! So what is your current total now with Stormy back and the new babies?
    I was wondering, how soon does a brand new baby goat stand up? Right away??
    They are SOOO cute... they are so lucky to be born on your farm and to have you look after them! "Lucky-goats!"

    1. We have five goats now! The baby goats can stand up about 10-20 minutes after birth. The boy goat Rocky is not very lucky after he leaves our farm :( He will probably be used for meat :(
