Monday, August 20, 2012

Mystery Chicken Eater...

We have had a animal come and eat our chickens these last couple of weeks. We do not know what kind of animal it would be. Luckily it was not our dog Berwin that usually does that to our chickens. Whatever it is it sure does not leave anything...but the feathers. Hopefully Berwin will chase out the animal that is eating our chickens. (And poor Mrs. Tick-tock died.)


  1. Oh No!! That's terrible!
    You know, we have some friends here in AZ that had several chickens injured and/or missing and they set up a trap. They thought they might catch a fox...but guess what they caught?! A skunk! I didn't know skunks could be so vicious, but apparently they can get through tiny spaces and aside from their special *stink* they can be pretty mean too.
    Hope you get rid of your mystery chicken eater soon! :(
    There sure is a lot of both love and loss when you live on a farm, huh? So sorry Laurelyn. ♥

    1. Yea, I hate when our chickens get eaten :(

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